Azimio is the most popular coalition in Kenya – TIFA polls

Written by on 18 May 2022

Azimio la Umoja – One Kenya coalition is the most popular political alliance currently with a support base of 38 per cent countrywide, according to the latest TIFA polls.

Azimio, led by ODM party leader Raila Odinga and President Uhuru Kenyatta enjoys massive support from the Nyanza region (66 per cent), Lower Eastern (48 per cent), Nairobi (45 per cent), Western (42 per cent) and Coast (41 per cent).

Deputy President William Ruto’s Kenya Kwanza’s popularity stands at 28 per cent countrywide, with most of its support coming from Central Rift (50 per cent) and South Rift (50 per cent).

37 per cent of Mt Kenya voters support Ruto’s outfit, followed by Northern Kenya at 25 per cent and Western, also at 25 per cent. The support is minimal in Nairobi (20 per cent), Coast (17 per cent), Lower Eastern (12 per cent) and Nyanza (10 per cent).

One Kenya Alliance (OKA), which is still part of Azimio despite announcing a break-away, has three per cent support across the country. OKA’s biggest support comes from Kalonzo Musyoka’s home turf, Lower Easter which stands at eight per cent.

OKA has five per cent support in South and Central Rift each, one per cent lower than the support they get in Coast. They have zero support in Nairobi.

21 per cent of Kenyans do not support any political grouping, with the number being the largest in Nairobi (31 per cent), Northern Kenya (24 per cent) and Mt Kenya (24 per cent).

In Lower Eastern, Coast and Central Rift, 23, 20 and 18 per cent respectively do not support any of the three political alliances. 20 per cent of Western voters fall in this category, while the number is 13 per cent in Nyanza and 11 per cent in South Rift.

10 per cent are still undecided on the political outfit to support. Most of the undecided are in Coast (15 per cent), Mt Kenya (14 per cent) and Western (12 per cent). Lower Eastern, Northern Kenya and Nyanza registered 10 per cent of undecided voters each, while Central Rift has nine per cent, South Rift five per cent and Nairobi only four per cent.

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