Written by on 9 June 2021

                                          YOU ARE GOING TOO FAR YOUR EXCELLENCY

Former chief justice Willy Mutunga has accused the president of the republic of Kenya of pettiness after he rejected 6 judges out of the 42 nominated by the Judicial Service Commission. Why the 34 and why not the 6 Mr. President? This comes after several questions to his Excellency concerning judicial and constitutional issues, a matter that is now proving personal interests.

In a letter dated 8TH  June 2021, Justice Mutunga has gone further to  challenge the president a resignation citing that an early and voluntary retirement are readily available options that the constitution merrily provides. This sounds a warning to the leader of the state because   in the recent days, he has taken matters of national interest with negligence and his actions are becoming personal and selfish.

On June 3rd, president Kenyatta failed to appoint high court judges who were part of the bench that declared the Building Bridges Initiative as null and void to the court of appeal. Could it be the president is appointing judges he is certain they will bend the law to suit his political objectives and aspirations.

JUSTICE Mutunga clearly reminds the president that nothing in the oath of office says “I will obey and protect only those aspects of constitution that I find convenient and self- fulfilling, so help me God.” Justice Mutunga takes note that “The provision of the appointment of judges is clearly articulated in article 166 and the Judicial Service act.  The JSC discharged its mandate properly and completely in 2019 by recommending for appointment 41 judges. The president cleat constitutional provisions and numerous court orders, is obliged to appoint all judges without hesitation or negotiation. It is  now a matter of concern why the president is repeatedly violating constitutional provisions and for what gain is it to his office just when he is about to complete his tenure in office.

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